School Council
Our school council is made up of 13 Key Stage 2 children: 3 Year Six Leaders chosen at the beginning of the school year 9 children voted for across KS2 by pupils and our Wellbeing Ambassador leader.
As a council, we meet each week to decide what charities, events and projects we would like to organise. Our meetings include sharing ideas, voting, preparing and organising.
School Council 2024-25
#HelloYellow Day in aid of Young Minds
On Thursday 10th October the School Council hosted their first non-uniform day in support of World Mental Health Day #HelloYellow: Wear it loud. Wear it proud.
As a school we wanted to spread the word that, together, we can look out for each other and feel hopeful about the future, by wearing something yellow.
Classes enjoyed doodling and mindfulness colouring activities throughout the day and lit up the school with bright yellow outfits and smiles. We raised a total of £152!
Children in Need 2024
On Monday the 11th of November the School Council began their activities for the start of Children in Need Week. Throughout the week pupils took part in a number of challenges (both physical and mental). We raised a total £336!
School Council 2023-24
#HelloYellow 2023
On Tuesday 10th October, we held a non-uniform day in support of World Mental Health Day #HelloYellow.
This day helped us spread the word that, together, we can look out for each other and feel hopeful about the future.
Children wore something yellow and donated to their chosen charity YoungMinds. It was a happy, cheerful day!
School Council raised a total of £152
Children In Need 2023
On the week beginning Monday the 13th of November, the School Council launched the start of Children in Need week. Throughout the week (during break times, PE lessons and other moments), the school took part in a number of challenges (both physical and mental).
Class 1 made their own Pudsey faces using paper plates.
Well Done Class 1! What cute Pudsey Bears!
Enmore 'Wear A Rainbow' Children in Need Day